27. Sep 24
- User Installation
- You can now add the bot to your account and use it anywhere!
26. Sep 24
- Metadata would be wrong after a while
- It was fetched from API again, character might have gotten refreshed in the meantime
- Metadata is now persisted once sheet is created and retrieved from there
26. Sep 24
- Character Claim command
- Accepts name and world parameters
- Generates code for user to put on Lodestone profile
- Offers button to validate code. If found on profile, character is claimed
- Character Unclaim command
- Allows to unclaim a previously claimed character
- Character Me command
- Quickly request a character sheet for your claimed character
- Skips having to enter full name and world each time sheet is requested
- New metadata button below character sheets
- When pressed, privately shows when character, class jobs, mounts, and minions were last updated
- Database for storing character claims
- Data persistence service for storing command data between interactions
22. Sep 24
Initial release
- Character Get command
- Accepts name and world parameters
- Returns character sheet with various character data
- Name, title, and home world
- Active job + level
- Free company + grand company
- Item level
- Percentage of mounts and minions collected
- Most important attributes for active job
- Levels for all jobs
- Character portrait
- Link to Lodestone profile
- Command can be run privately
- If run privately, if search result is no perfect match, a select menu with results is shown
- Sheet is shown after selection
- If not run privately, sheet is always shown for first character, even if no perfect match